Alhamdulillah....cuti sekolah seminggu lagi,...kebanyakkan orang dah ada perancangan bercuti atau balik kampung. Kepada yang tak pasti lagi nak ke mana, datanglah bercuti di Syamille Agrofarm & Resort, Kuala Kangsar, Perak. Sampai nanti, bolehlah juga tengok sarang koloni lebah kelulut...dan jangan lupa bawa balik madu kelulut asli yang boleh dibeli di sini.
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We are an established Commercial Beekeeper of Kelulut Bee/Stingless Bee/Trigona Bee in Malaysia, producing the finest grade, high quality honey and propolis products that are rich in anti-oxidants, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. The honey is light in color with delicious sweet & sour fruit taste. These honey and propolis are naturally suitable to cure illnesses through traditional treatment methods such as diabetes mellifluous, stroke, hepatitis, cancer, hypertension, kidney stones, gout, cough, etc. In terms of nutritional value and benefit, it is very much better than the normal honey.

Pengedar produk Madu Kelulut jenama SYAMILLE dikehendaki untuk seluruh Malaysia. Hubungi PEJABAT KAMI 05-7520209.
Untuk mendapatkan senarai Pengedar yang berdekatan, sila Hubungi PEJABAT KAMI 05-7520209.